Santoni stands for luxury, design, and perfection. Since its creation in 1975 Santoni pursued its vision refining the cultural heritage of craftsmanship and Italian excellence. Born with the creation of the haut de gamme shoes laboratory by Andrea Santoni, the brand’s legacy has been handed to his son Giuseppe. The distinctive features of the pure Made in Italy remained unchanged through time. Quality, passion for details and rigorous handmade workmanship are the core elements of distinction from its competitors in the exclusive club of the most famous and recognizable luxury brands of the world.Tradition and innovation. These are the parallel pillars Santoni built its success on, thanks to the perfect combination of traditional production techniques, as the ability of making entirely made-to-measure shoes, and the evolution in research and design. Peculiarities that a sophisticated customer, who always chooses the best for himself and is updated on the evolution of style, is attracted to. Modern attitude married to ancient know-how. A legacy guarded by the craftsman masters, some of which work in the company since 1975. They witnessed the turn of Santoni from a local workshop into a reference brand and kept alive the original passion for extreme quality and beauty. Luxury and selection are the key values that led to the partnership with brands sharing the same philosophy of Santoni and devotion to excellence. The two exclusive lines created with Mercedes AMG and IWC Schaffausen enhance the well-known mastery of Santoni applying it to sports cars and precision watches.Besides collaborating with top brands, Santoni boasts Man, Woman Junior and Accessories collections. Fine sneakers for informal occasions and the most refined construction of Limited Edition men’s shoes stand out. Santoni collections are available in selected boutiques worldwide and in flagship stores.
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